13–15 Nov 2023
America/New_York timezone

Implementing sframes

14 Nov 2023, 17:40
"James River Salon A" (Omni Richmond Hotel)

"James River Salon A"

Omni Richmond Hotel

Tracing MC Tracing MC


Indu Bhagat Steven Rostedt


sframes have been added to binutiles, which can allow the kernel to do a user space stack trace without the need of frame pointers. But there are several issues to overcome.

  • Requires reading user space that can fault (cannot be done in interrupt context)
  • Perf and ftrace will need to postpone when the stack trace is done
  • Can load in the sframe information from the elf file, but what to do about dynamically linked objects? (New system call?)
  • Same issue with JIT code. Need a way to tell the kernel how to do the stack trace dynamically.

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