13–15 Nov 2023
America/New_York timezone

Driver Development Kit (DDK) and Vendor Workflow

13 Nov 2023, 14:35
"James River Salon A" (Omni Richmond Hotel)

"James River Salon A"

Omni Richmond Hotel

Android MC Android MC


John Moon (Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc.)


With the upcoming migration to the Bazel build system in Android, Qualcomm recently had to migrate all kernel build processes to Google's Kleaf framework.

One part of Kleaf is the Driver Development Kit (DDK) which is used to build external modules. Before DDK, Qualcomm had a homebrew solution that essentially mapped Android.mk targets to the classic "make -C KERNEL_SRC M=$PWD". Under the hood, the DDK does the same thing, but adds additional bells and whistles which improve reusability and maintainability.

The DDK obviated much of the homebrew effort, but there were some challenges getting kernel developers work with the new system efficiently. In this talk, we'll detail some of these challenges and how collaborative problem-solving with Google moved us forward.

Primary author

John Moon (Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc.)

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