Author Archives: Steven Rostedt

Welcome to the Android Micro-conference!

Every year the Android Micro-conference brings the upstream Linux community and the Android systems developers together at the Linux Plumbers Conference. They discuss how they can effectively engage the existing issues and collaborate on upcoming changes to the Android platform and their upstream dependencies. This year Android MC is scheduled to start at 10am on […]

System Boot and Security Microconference CFP

The System Boot and Security Microconference has been a critical platform for enthusiasts and professionals working on firmware, bootloaders, system boot, and security. This year, the conference focuses on the challenges of upstreaming boot process improvements to the Linux kernel. Cryptography, an ever-evolving field, poses unique demands on secure elements and TPMs as newer algorithms […]

Sched-Ext: The BPF extensible scheduler class Microconference CFP

sched_ext is a Linux kernel feature which enables implementing host-wide, safe kernel thread schedulers in BPF, and dynamically loading them at runtime. sched_ext enables safe and rapid iterations of scheduler implementations, thus radically widening the scope of scheduling strategies that can be experimented with and deployed, even in massive and complex production environments. sched_ext was […]

Rust Microconference CFP

The Rust Microconference returns this year again. It covers both Rust in the kernel and Rust in general. The submission deadline is July 14th. Submissions are made via the LPC submission system, selecting Rust MC for Track. Please see The Ideal Microconference Topic Session as well. Possible Rust for Linux topics: Rust in the kernel […]

In memory of Daniel Bristot de Oliveira

It comes with great sadness that on June 24th, 2024 we lost a great contributor to the Linux Plumbers Conference and the whole of Linux generally. Daniel Bristot de Oliveira passed away unexpectedly at the age of 37. Daniel has been an active participant of Linux Plumbers since 2017. Not only has he given numerous […]

Tracing / Perf Events Microconference CFP

The Linux kernel has grown in complexity over the years. Complete understanding of how it works via code inspection has become virtually impossible. Today, tracing is used to follow the kernel as it performs its complex tasks. Tracing is used today for much more than simply debugging. Its framework has become the way for other […]

Microconference topic submissions deadlines are coming soon!

We are excited about the submissions that are coming in to Linux Plumbers 2024. If you want to discuss a topic at one of the Microconferences, you should start putting together a problem statement and submit. Each Microconference has its own defined deadline. To submit, go to the Call for Proposals page and select Submit […]

Update on the Microconference situation

Unfortunately we still do not know the total cost of the 4th track yet. We are still in the process of looking at the costs of adding another room, but we do not want to delay the acceptance of topics to Microconferences any further. We have decided to accept all pending Microconferences with one caveat. […]

Awesome amount of Microconference submissions!

The Call-for-Proposals for Microconferences has come to a close, and with that, this year’s list of Microconferences is to be decided. A Microconference is a 3 and a half hour session with a half hour break (giving a total of 3 hours of content). Linux Plumbers has three Microconference tracks running per day, with each […]

Tracing MC CFP

The Linux kernel has grown in complexity over the years. Complete understanding of how it works via code inspection has become virtually impossible. Today, tracing is used to follow the kernel as it performs its complex tasks. Tracing is used today for much more than simply debugging. Its framework has become the way for other […]

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