Author Archives: admin

Linux Plumbers Conference is Not Sold Out

We’re really sorry, but apparently the Cvent registration site we use has suffered a bug which is causing it to mark the conference as “Sold Out” and, unfortunately, since today is the beginning of the American Independence day weekend, we can’t get anyone to fix it until Monday. However, rest assured there are plenty of […]

Networking and BPF Summit CfP Now Open

We are pleased to announce that the Call for Proposals for the Networking and BPF Summit at Linux Plumbers Conference 2020 is now open. Please submit your proposals here. Looking forward to seeing your great contributions!

Announcing Town Hall #2: The Kernel Weather Report

Thank you to everyone who attended the Linux Plumbers town hall on June 25th. It was successful thanks to your participation. We’re pleased to announce another town hall on July 16th at 8am PST / 11am EST / 3pm GMT. This town hall will feature Jon Corbet of LWN giving “The Kernel Weather Report”. The […]

How to Join the LPC Town Hall

Please use the following link on Thursday June 25 2020 at 8am PDT/ 11am EDT/ 3pm GMT to join the LPC Town Hall: Note that no account is necessary! Please refer to the previous post about the Town Hall to get more info. See you there!

Registration for Linux Plumbers Conference 2020 is now open

Registration is now open for the 2020 edition of the Linux Plumbers Conference (LPC). It will be held August 24 – 28, virtually. Go to the attend page for more information. Note that the CFPs for microconferences, refereed track talks, and BoFs are still open, please see this page for more information. As always, please contact the organizing committee if […]

Announcing a Linux Plumbers Virtual Town Hall

The Linux Plumbers Committee is pleased to announce a Town Hall meeting on June 25 at 8am PDT/ 11am EDT/ 3pm GMT. This meeting serves two purposes. The first purpose is to test our remote conference set up. This is the first time we are holding Linux Plumbers virtually and while we can run simulated […]

Linux Plumbers Conference Registration Opening Postponed

The committee is relentlessly working on recreating online the Linux Plumbers Conference (LPC) experience that we have all come to appreciate, and take for granted, over the past few years. We had initially planned to open registration on June 15th. While travel planning is not one, there are still very many aspects of the conference […]

Linux Plumbers Conference 2020 Goes Virtual

As previously promised, we are announcing today that we have decided to hold the the Linux Plumbers Conference 2020 virtually instead of in person. We value the safety and health of our community and do not wish to expose anyone to unnecessary risks. We do appreciate that it is the in-person aspect of plumbers (the […]

Update on the Plumbers Covid-19 Situation

We’re still planning to hold Plumbers, but adopting a wait and see attitude to the in-person component. As people have noticed, the global prospect for being able to travel to Halifax in August seems to be getting worse, so we’re posting this to give more transparency to what the Plumbers Conference decision points and options […]

LPC 2020 Call for Refereed-Track Proposals

Updated May 11th – Changed dates information. Submissions close: (TBD – open now) Speakers notified: (TBD) Slides due: (TBD) Note: We are still hoping to hold the conference as scheduled, but we are continually monitoring the pandemic situation. For current Covid-19 updates, please see our website We are pleased to announce the Call for […]

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