Toolchains Track

Linux Plumbers Conference 2024 is pleased to host the Toolchains Track!

The aim of the Toolchains track is to fix particular toolchain issues which are of the interest of the kernel and, ideally, find solutions in situ, making the best use of the opportunity of live discussion with kernel developers and maintainers. In particular, this is not about presenting research nor abstract/miscellaneous toolchain work.

The track will be composed of activities, of variable length depending on the topic being discussed. Each activity is intended to cover a particular topic or issue involving both the Linux kernel and one or more of its associated toolchains and development tools. This includes compiling, linking, assemblers, debuggers and debugging formats, ABI analysis tools, object manipulation, etc. Few slides shall be necessary, and most of the time shall be devoted to actual discussion, brainstorming and seeking agreement.

Please come and join us in the discussion. We hope to see you there!

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