Confidential Computing Microconference Accepted into 2021 Linux Plumbers Conference

We are pleased to announce that the Confidential Computing Microconference has been accepted into the 2021 Linux Plumbers Conference! In this microconference we will discuss how Linux can support encryption technologies which protect data during processing on the CPU. Examples are AMD SEV, Intel TDX, IBM Secure Execution for s390x and ARM Secure Virtualization. These are recent additions compared to technologies which protect data while in transit (SSL, VPNs) and at rest (disk encryption).

The Linux kernel recently gained support for SEV-ES and support for Intel TDX is upcoming. AMD SEV will be further enhanced by Secure Nested Paging (SNP). Support for these technologies requires intrusive changes to the Linux kernel for memory integrity and secure interrupt delivery to virtual machines. Designing these changes in a way that works for different confidential computing technologies is one goal of this microconference.

Topics to be included, but not limited to, are:

Please come and join us in the discussion for solutions to the open problems for supporting these technologies.

We hope to see you there!

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