Linux Plumbers Conference Registration Opening Postponed

The committee is relentlessly working on recreating online the Linux Plumbers Conference (LPC) experience that we have all come to appreciate, and take for granted, over the past few years.

We had initially planned to open registration on June 15th. While travel planning is not one, there are still very many aspects of the conference being worked on. We are now aiming to open registration for Linux Plumbers Conference (LPC) on June 23rd.

Right now we have shortlisted BigBlueButton as our online conferencing solution. One of our objectives is to run LPC 2020 online on a full open software stack.

We anticipate running our usual set of parallel tracks, including microconferences per day. With our globally distributed participants, identifying the timezone most convenient is still work in progress. There will be a timezone question on our registration form, please make sure to answer it.

To help us test part of the online platform, and offer transparency about where things stand with LPC 2020 preparation, the committee is currently planning the first ever “LPC Town Hall Meeting”. We hope to host it very soon. More information will be made available very soon.

As previously announced, we are reducing the conference registration fee to US$50. Registration availability has been an issue in past years. We have no way to anticipate what the uptake will be for LPC 2020 registration. The committee will try its best to meet registration demand. Also, several Call for Proposals are open and awaiting your contributions.

We will be sharing more information with everyone here soon. Looking forward to LPC 2020 together with you.

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