LPC waiting list closed; just a few days until the conference

The waiting list for this year’s Linux Plumbers Conference is now closed. All of the spots available have been allocated, so anyone who is not registered at this point will have to wait for next year. There will be no on-site registration. We regret that we could not accommodate everyone. The good news is that all of the microconferences, refereed talks, Kernel summit track, and Networking track will be recorded on video and made available as soon as possible after the conference. Anyone who could not make it to Lisbon this year will at least be able to catch up with what went on. Hopefully those who wanted to come will make it to a future LPC.

For those who are attending, we are just a few days away; you should have received an email with more details. Beyond that, the detailed schedule is available. There are also some tips on using the metro to get to the venue. As always, please send any questions or comments to “contact@linuxplumbersconf.org”.

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