Update on LPC 2019 registration waiting list

Here is an update regarding the registration situation for LPC2019.

The considerable interest for participation this year meant that the conference sold out earlier than ever before.

Instead of a small release of late-registration spots, the LPC planning committee has decided to run a waiting list, which will be used as the exclusive method for additional registrations. The planning committee will reach out to individuals on the waiting list and inviting them to register at the regular rate of $550, as spots become available.

With the majority of the Call for Proposals (CfP) still open, it is not yet possible to release passes. The planning committee and microconferences leads are working together to allocate the passes earmarked for microconferences. The Networking Summit and Kernel Summit speakers are yet to be confirmed also.

The planning committee understands that many of those who added themselves to the waiting list wish to find out soon whether they will be issued a pass. We anticipate the first passes to be released on July 22nd at the earliest.

Please follow us on social media, or here on this blog for further updates.

One response to “Update on LPC 2019 registration waiting list”

  1. Jinpu Wang says:

    I’m interested in RDMA MC to discuss upstream IBNBD/IBTRS

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