Announcing the LPC 2019 registration waiting list


The current pool of registrations for the 2019 Linux Plumbers Conference has sold out.

Those not yet registered who wish to attend should fill out the form here to get on the waiting list.

As registration spots open up, the Plumbers organizing committee will allocate them to those  on the waiting list with priority given to those who will be participating in microconferences and BoFs.



2 responses to “Announcing the LPC 2019 registration waiting list”

  1. jorge says:

    I am very interested in the realtime discussion happening during plumbers. Regardless of my attendance will be sharing on our website – and forums- real data on PREEMPT-RT on a number of boards together with the test code and Zephyr based measurement tool. So far on 5.0.21 things are not looking good for preempt-rt.

  2. Hugo Reis says:


    Two of my colleagues are speaking at plumbers and I would love to join them!

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