You, Me and IoT Microconference Accepted into 2019 Linux Plumbers Conference

We are pleased to announce that the You, Me and IoT Microconference has been accepted into the 2019 Linux Plumbers Conference! IoT is becoming an
integral part of our daily lives, controlling such devices as on/off switches, temperature controls, door and window sensors and so much more. But the technology itself requires a lot of infrastructure and communication frameworks such as Zigbee, OpenHAB and 6LoWPAN. Open source Real-Time embedded operating systems also come into play like Zephyr. A completely open source framework implementation is Greybus that already made it into staging. Discussions will be around Greybus:

– Device management
– Abstracted devices
– Management of Unique IDs
– Network management
– Userspace utilities
– Network Authentication
– Encryption
– Firmware updates
– And more

Come join us and participate in the discussion on what keeps the Internet of Things together.

We hope to see you there!

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