Monthly Archives: March 2019

Linux Plumbers Conference 2019 Call for Refereed-Track Proposals

We are pleased to announce the Call for Refereed-Track talk proposals for the 2019 edition of the Linux Plumbers Conference, which will be held in Lisbon, Portugal on September 9-11 in conjunction with the Linux Kernel Maintainer Summit. Refereed track presentations are 50 minutes in length (which includes time for questions and discussion) and should […]

Linux Plumbers Conference 2019 Call for Microconference Proposals

We are pleased to announce the Call for Microconferences for the 2019 edition of the Linux Plumbers Conference, which will be held in Lisbon, Portugal on September 9-11 in conjunction with the Linux Kernel Maintainer Summit. A microconference is a collection of collaborative sessions focused on problems in a particular area of the Linux plumbing, […]

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