Open Printing Microconference Accepted into 2020 Linux Plumbers Conference

We are pleased to announce that the Open Printing Microconference has been accepted into the 2020 Linux Plumbers Conference!

Building on the work already done in driverless printing since last year’s microconference session; driverless scanning has emerged as an active new topic since last year’s Plumbers. We’re seeing many new printer application projects emerge that will benefit 3D printing as well. With Driverless scanning and printing making good progress and improvements, now is the time to talk about driverless/IPP fax as well.

Topics to discuss include

Come join us and participate in the discussion to bring Linux printing,
scanning and fax a better experience.

If you already want to start the discussion right now or tell us
something before the conference starts, do it in the comments sections
of the linked pages.

We hope to see you there!

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