CFP Open – Refereed Presentations

The Call for Refereed Presentation Proposals for the 2021 edition of the Linux Plumbers Conference is now open, which we plan to hold in Dublin, Ireland the last week of September in conjunction with The Linux Foundation Open Source Summit. If an in-person conference should prove to be impossible due to the circumstances at that time, Linux Plumbers will switch to a virtual only conference. Submitters should ideally be able to give their presentation in person if circumstances permit, although presenting remotely will always be possible. Please see our website or social media for regular updates.

Refereed Presentations are 45 minutes in length and should focus on a specific aspect of the “plumbing” in the Linux system. Examples of Linux plumbing include core kernel subsystems, init systems, core libraries, windowing systems, management tools, device support, media creation/playback, and so on. The best presentations are not about finished work, but rather problem statements, proposals, or proof-of-concept solutions that require face-to-face discussions and debate.

The Refereed Presentations track will be running throughout all three days of the conference. Note that given the current Linux Plumbers Refereed track may overlap with the Open Source Summit.

Linux Plumbers Conference Program Committee members will be reviewing all submitted proposals.  High-quality submissions that cannot be accepted due to the limited number of slots will be forwarded to both the Open Source Summit and to organizers of suitable  Linux Plumbers Microconferences for further consideration.

To submit a Refereed Track Presentation proposal follow the instructions here [1]

Submissions are due on or before June 12 that 11:59PM UTC.


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