Kernel Dependability and Assurance Microconference Accepted into 2021 Linux Plumbers Conference

We are pleased to announce that the Kernel Dependability and Assurance Microconference has been accepted into the 2021 Linux Plumbers Conference.

Linux development is producing kernels at an ever increasing rate, and at the same time with arguably increasing software quality. The process of kernel development has been adapting to handle the increasing number of contributors over the years to ensure a sufficient software quality. This quality is key in that Linux is now being used in applications that require a high degree of trust that the kernel is going to behave as expected. Some of the key areas we’re seeing Linux start to be used are in medical devices, civil infrastructure, caregiving robots, automotives, etc.

Last year’s miniconference raised awareness about this topic with the wider community. Since then the ELISA team has made contributions to the Documentation and tools. The team has deployed a CI server that runs static analysis tools and syzkaller on the Linux kernel repos and is making the results of last 10 days of linux-next are made available to the community.

This year’s topics to be discussed include:

  • Identify missing features that will provide assurance in safety critical systems.
  • Which test coverage infrastructures are most effective to provide evidence for kernel quality assurance? How should it be measured?
  • Explore ways to improve testing framework and tests in the kernel with a specific goal to increase traceability and code coverage.
  • Regression Testing for safety: Prioritize configurations and tests critical and important for quality and dependability

Come and join us in the discussion on how we can assure that Linux becomes the most trusted and dependable software in the world!

We hope to see you there.

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