File system Microconference Accepted into 2021 Linux Plumbers Conference

We are pleased to announce that the File System Microconference has been accepted into the 2021 Linux Plumbers Conference. File systems are key to any operating system, and especially for the Linux kernel. They are the gateway to the underling storage, or could simply live in RAM as a virtual information repository. The file system developers are constantly adding features and improvements. Some of these new features are slow to be utilized by the application developers, or they may be used in interesting ways that the file system developers never thought of.

This year’s topics to be discussed include:

  • DAX – are we finally ready for prime time?
  • Optimizing for cloud block devices. How do we deal with unstable transport? Do we need to rethink our IO path?
  • Atomic writes, and FIEXCHANGE_RANGE
  • Writeback throttling – we have a lot of different solutions, are we happy with the current state of affairs?
  • Page Folios
  • Performance testing

These are big ongoing projects that have implications across all file systems as well as users, and would be good to discuss across a large portion of attendees.

Come and join us in the discussion of improving the state of saving reading and accessing your data.

We hope to see you there.

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