24–28 Aug 2020
US/Pacific timezone

KernelCI: A Growing Ecosystem

26 Aug 2020, 09:45
Microconference1/Virtual-Room (LPC Virtual)


LPC Virtual

Testing and Fuzzing MC Testing and Fuzzing MC


Guillaume Tucker (Collabora)


The KernelCI project has been increasingly in the spotlight since it
joined the Linux Foundation in October 2019. In addition to having a
strong set of founding members, it has also started growing a healthy
ecosystem. While still relatively small in size compared to the object
under test that is the Linux kernel, as a relatively young project it is
showing some very positive signs. Its roots are getting stronger, and
it looks like it will keep bearing more fruit every year.

Extending its scope to collate kernel test results from other systems
such as 0-Day and Syzbot, getting a bigger compute capacity thanks to
cloud resources donated by Microsoft and Google, ramping up functional
testing capabilities across the board, supporting KUnit developers to
integrate it in the KernelCI framework and getting more and more diverse
contributors are all strong examples.

By continuing this trend, KernelCI will also keep increasing its impact
on the Linux kernel code quality and development workflows. Ultimately,
it will need to be owned by the kernel community in order to truly
succeed. Now is the time to engage more with maintainers, developers
and many others to make it all happen in a collective effort.

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Primary author

Guillaume Tucker (Collabora)

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