Aug 24 – 28, 2020
US/Pacific timezone

BoF - Git Users & Contributors

Not scheduled
Birds of a Feather (BoF) BOFs Session


Emily Shaffer (Google) Jonathan Nieder (Google) Jonathan Tan (Google) Josh Steadmon (Google)


Git is a fundamental tool in the open source ecosystem - a widely used source control system, it’s relied on by many packages which Linux relies on, and by the Linux kernel itself. However, it has its share of obstacles for both users and contributors, in the form of steep learning curves, exclusive language, and more. To help address these obstacles, the Git project wants to hear from users! Core contributors to Git will chat with BoF attendees to discover what’s important to different types of users, as well as to communicate new Git features which attendees may find useful.

An incomplete list of topics to discuss:

  • How-to/Q&A - ask Git contributors for tips and solutions
  • Concerns about Git’s inclusiveness - in what ways does Git exclude you?
  • Concerns about Git’s usability - what blocks you and your colleagues from getting the most out of Git?
  • Code lifecycle - how can Git better support your continuous integration/continuous deployment and code review workflows?
  • Feature requests - what would you like to see Git learn to do in the future?
  • Project contribution - how can you start contributing to Git?
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