24–28 Aug 2020
US/Pacific timezone

Standards for device-side test artifacts

26 Aug 2020, 07:45
Microconference1/Virtual-Room (LPC Virtual)


LPC Virtual

Testing and Fuzzing MC Testing and Fuzzing MC


Tim Bird (Sony)


This session will involve a discussion around a proposal for standards for device-side test artifacts. Currently there are no standards (that the author is aware of) for where tests should be placed in a device under test, or how test frameworks should discover, interact with, and collect results from test artifacts.

Tim will propose adding some new directories to the FileSystem Hierarchy
Standard to specify that:
* test code and data should go under /usr/test
* a test wrapper function, called "{testname}-run" should be placed in /usr/test/bin
* test output should be placed in /var/test (or maybe /var/log/test)
** with name "{testname}-output-{datestamp}.{appropriate-extension}"
* a user account called "test" should be created, with well known pid 88
* a group called "test" should be created, with well known gid 88
* the directories and files above should be owned by 'test.test'

This would allow end users and automated tools to find and easily execute any tests that are packaged with a system. It also designates a place in the filesystem where tests can be placed. Having separate locations for test artifacts allows for different mounting or storage decisions for those locations in the filesystem. This could be beneficial since tests might not be part of production releases, or test artifacts might only be applied to a device temporarily.

This is intended to be a discussion among automated testing and distribution developers, to see if this is something useful going forward, and to plan next steps.

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Primary author

Tim Bird (Sony)

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