Clang has become a viable C/C++ compiler -- it is used as the primary compiler in Android, OpenMandriva and various BSDs these days.
Most parts of a modern Linux system can be built with Clang these days - but some core system components, including the kernel and some low level core libraries (most notably glibc) are exceptions to the rule.
Let's explore what needs to be done to make the core...
Come chat about getting Gen-Z supported for real in Linux.
Gen-Z ( is a new system interconnect that blends capabilities of DDR, PCI, USB, Infiniband and Ethernet. Come to this BOF to discuss how best to integrate Gen-Z into Linux.
Discuss integration of the rseq(2) (Restartable Sequences) system call into the user-space ecosystem.
This topic covers kernel ABIs, ABIs between applications and libraries, as well as glibc integration for thread registration.
Related articles:
Restartable sequences
[Restartable sequences restarted][2]
[Restartable sequences and ops vectors][3]