Nov 13 – 15, 2018
America/Vancouver timezone

Solving Linux File System Pain Points

Nov 13, 2018, 4:00 PM
Pavillion/Ballroom-D (Sheraton Vancouver Wall Center)


Sheraton Vancouver Wall Center



Steven French


Why are linux copy tools so problematic - not even calling the kernel copy APIs, and having terrible lack of features compared to other OS? Why is something as simple as copying a file painful for some network and cluster (and even local) file systems,and which tools (rsync, cp, gio copy etc) should we extend first to add the missing performance features that many fs need?

How can we consistently expose metadata and file system information across groups of file systems that have common information? The integration of a new xstat/statx call last year was progress, but let's discuss whether it should be extended (to allow reporting of additional attributes e.g. for the cloud), and also the status of the proposed "file system info" new system call and the proposed new mount syscall.

In addition, there are key security features (including fs-verity and RichACLs) that can be discussed.

The Linux File System layer is one of the most active areas of the kernel, and changes in the VFS, especially for network and cluster file systems benefit from discussions like these.

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Steven French

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