Nov 13 – 15, 2018
America/Vancouver timezone

Filename encoding and case-insensitive filesystems

Nov 15, 2018, 9:45 AM
Junior/Ballroom-D (Sheraton Vancouver Wall Center)


Sheraton Vancouver Wall Center



Gabriel Krisman Bertazi (Collabora)


Case-insensitive file name lookups is a recurrent topic on Linux filesystems, but its stalled development has regained traction in the past few years, thanks to its applications in platforms like Valve's SteamOS and Android. Despite aiming at simplifying the file lookup operation from a user point of view, since human languages don't directly correlate to arbitrary case folding and encoding composition premises, the actual implementation of encoding and case-insensitive awareness carry an outstanding number of issues and corner cases, which require a clear behavioral definition from the file system layer in order to get it right. File systems developers are invited to come discuss such premises and what is expected from an in-kernel common encoding and case-insensitive abstraction for file systems.

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Gabriel Krisman Bertazi (Collabora)

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