Nov 13 – 15, 2018
America/Vancouver timezone

Beyond the latency: New metrics for the real-time kernel

Nov 13, 2018, 3:10 PM
Pavillion/Ballroom-C (Sheraton Vancouver Wall Center)


Sheraton Vancouver Wall Center



Daniel Bristot de Oliveira (Red Hat, Inc.)


The PREEMPT_RT's current metric, the latency is good. It helped to guide the
development of the preempt_rt for more than a decade. However, in real-time
analysis, the principal metric for the system the response time of tasks.
Generally, in addition to the latency, the response time of a task comprises the
task's execution time, the blocking time on locks, the overhead associated with
scheduling and so on. Although we can think on ways to measure such values on
Linux, we 1) don't have a single/standardized way to do this, and 2) we don't do
regression tests to see if things changed from one version to another.

This talk will discuss these points, collecting ideas on how to proceed toward
the development of new metrics and ways to use them to test the kernel-rt.

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