Nov 13 – 15, 2018
America/Vancouver timezone

How can we catch problems that can break the PREEMPT_RT preemption model?

Nov 13, 2018, 5:10 PM
Pavillion/Ballroom-C (Sheraton Vancouver Wall Center)


Sheraton Vancouver Wall Center

RT MC topics CfP RT MC


The fully preemptive preemption model, along with real-time mutexes, are the main features of the PREEMPT RT.

How do we check if we are respecting all the rules for these features, e.g., how do we check if changes in the kernel are not breaking the preemption or the locking model?

For locking, we already have an answer: Lockdep!

But how about the preemption model?

The presenter has a preliminary formalization of the preemption model, and he wants to discuss how to implement the validator of the model. Should it be in kernel or user-space? Tracing or a "validator" like lockdep?

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Primary author

Daniel Bristot de Oliveira (Red Hat, Inc.)

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