Oct 2 – 4, 2019
Concordia University Conference Centre
America/New_York timezone

Freesync, Adaptive Sync & VRR

Oct 3, 2019, 4:40 PM
Concordia University Conference Centre

Concordia University Conference Centre

1450 Guy St. Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3H 0A1
Talk (full slot) (closed) Main Track


Harry Wentland (AMD)


DP adaptive sync, a feature supported by AMD under the marketing name of Freesync, primarily allows for smoother gameplay but also enables other use cases, like idle desktop powersaving and 24Hz video playback. In this talk we'll describe what adaptive sync is, how it works, and will speak to different use cases and how they might be implemented. The presentation will cover design and code snippets to show how the feature is enabled.

Code of Conduct Yes
GSoC, EVoC or Outreachy No


Presentation materials

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