13–15 Nov 2018
America/Vancouver timezone

Migrating to Gitlab

15 Nov 2018, 14:00
Pavillion/Ballroom-AB (Sheraton Vancouver Wall Center)


Sheraton Vancouver Wall Center

Refereed talk LPC Main Track


Daniel Vetter (Intel)


Over the past few years the graphics subsystem has been spearheading experiments in running things differently: Pre-merge CI wrapped around mailing lists using patchwork, committer model as a form of group maintainership on steroids, and other things. As a result the graphics people have run into some interesting new corner cases of the kernel's "patches carved on stone tablets" process.

On the other hand the freedesktop.org project, which provides all the server infrastracture for the graphics subsystem, is undergoing a big reorganization of how they provide their services. The biggest change is migrating all source hosting over to a gitlab instance.

This talk will go into the why of these changes and detail what is definitely going to change, and what is being looked into more as experiments with open outcomes.

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Primary author

Daniel Vetter (Intel)

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