13–15 Nov 2018
America/Vancouver timezone

Readiness of ARM64 Kernels for Running on Any Device

14 Nov 2018, 16:30
Pavillion/Ballroom-D (Sheraton Vancouver Wall Center)


Sheraton Vancouver Wall Center



Sandeep Patil (Google)


Android kernels is a cocktail of upstream, android common kernels and big amounts of out-of-tree vendor code to support the SoCs and board peripherals. Android Pie now requires the board peripherals to be described using a device tree overlay. It is recommended that the drivers for those peripherals be loaded at boot time as a kernel module.

This discussion is intended to evaluate, seek feedback and find out possible hurdles for if taking it a step further for Android devices. So as to also have the SoC code loaded as kernel modules as well. This obviously facilitates faster core kernel updates on Android devices. More importantly though, Android and the linux kernel can move together year over year without having to worry about older kernels.

Primary author

Sandeep Patil (Google)

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