Nov 13 – 15, 2018
America/Vancouver timezone

eBPF as execution engine for DTrace

Nov 15, 2018, 3:20 PM
Pavillion/Ballroom-C (Sheraton Vancouver Wall Center)


Sheraton Vancouver Wall Center



Kris van Hees (Oracle)


The existence and power of eBPF provides a generic execution engine at the kernel level. We have been exploring leveraging the power of eBPF as a way to integrate DTrace more into the existing tracing framework that has matured within the Linux kernel. While DTrace comes with some more lightweight ways for getting probes fired, and while it has a pretty nice userlevel consumer with useful features, there should be no need to duplicate a lot of effort on the level of processing probe events and generating data for the consumer.

We want to move forward with modifying DTrace to make use of the eBPF subsystem, and propose and contribute extensions to eBPF (and most likely some other tracing related subsystems) to provide more support for not only DTrace but tracing tools in general. In order to contribute things that benefit more than just us, we need to get together and talk, so let's get it started...

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