13–15 Nov 2018
America/Vancouver timezone

Improvements on thermal zone mode

13 Nov 2018, 09:25
Pavillion/Ballroom-D (Sheraton Vancouver Wall Center)


Sheraton Vancouver Wall Center



Rui Zhang (Intel)


Discuss the following topics:

  1. thermal framework does not handle disabled thermal zones properly. For example, when a thermal zone is disabled, thermal framework may still poke the thermal sensor, plus, the per-thermal-zone polling timer never stops working for the disabled thermal zone.
  2. thermal framework does not support registering a disabled thermal zone (which would be enabled later) correctly.
  3. some thermal zone may need to switch between enabled/disabled frequently for some reason, e.g. device runtime suspend. In this case, any userspace tool that polls the temperature of the thermal zone may get error messages occasionally. We need to define the kernel thermal zone driver status and the userspace behavior for this case.

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