August 26, 2021 – 12:06 am
We have formally opened the CfP for Birds of a Feather. Select the BOFs track when submitting a BOF here. As a reminder: Submissions for Microconferences topics are still open. The GNU Tools Track CfP will close in a few days, on August 31. Kernel Summit track is open for late breaking topics. All the […]
August 19, 2021 – 4:35 pm
We are pleased to announce that the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Microconference has been accepted into the 2021 Linux Plumbers Conference. Creating diverse communities requires effort and commitment to creating inclusive and welcoming spaces. Recognizing that communities which adopt inclusive language and actions attract and retain more individuals from diverse backgrounds, the Linux kernel community […]
August 16, 2021 – 6:51 pm
We are pleased to announce that the GPU/media/AI buffer management and interop Microconference has been accepted into the 2021 Linux Plumbers Conference. The Linux GPU subsystem has long had three major tenets: Kernel mediation, validation, submission, and scheduling of GPU jobs Implicit synchronisation between multiple user space accessors Open-source user space Forthcoming hardware makes the […]
We are pleased to announce that the Android Microconference has been accepted into the 2021 Linux Plumbers Conference. The past Android microconferences have been centered around the idea that it was primarily a synchronization point between the Android kernel team and the rest of the community to inform them on what they have been doing. […]